Stillwater Valley Watershed Council
Stillwater-Rosebud Water Quality Initiative Data Analysis (2021-2023)
This work was conducted as part of a one semester Montana State University undergraduate research course, led by Dr. Adam Sigler with support from Bridget Warrenfeltz. Paula Diaz was the undergraduate student assigned to the Stillwater program for the course.
This work was conducted in consultation with the Stillwater Valley Watershed Council representatives Karen Marts, Lindsey Clark, and Tom Osborne.
Fall 2024 was the initial pilot of this course, with the intention to produce useful data summaries for volunteer monitoring programs while simultaneously providing hands on student learning opportunities.
This work is supported by funding from Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ).
Student presentation
Link to student presentation pending feedback from collaborators
Tutorial on how to interpret boxplots
The report and student presentation include multiple boxplot visualizations. Linked here is a tutorial on how to read and interpret boxplots.
SRWQI Data Hub upload
Included here is a link to the Stillwater-Rosebud data on MSUEWQ's data hub. (Note: This link takes you to a boxplot view of total nitrogen for all sites and years. The sites, axes, date range, and plot type are interacive and can be changed to explore the data.)
Map of sampling sites
Included here is an interactive map of SRWQI sampling sites.
Excel data files
Included here are the various data files and excel workflows used in this analysis.
- Master excel spreadsheet (contains raw data, cleaned data, and supporting information)
- Nutrient concentration boxplots; excel file
- Nutrient seasonal trends and timeseries plots; zipped folder
R Scripts
Included here are the R script and workflow used to create regressions and boxplots of additional parameters.