Water Monitoring Gear Available for Loan to Stream Teams

Montana State University Extension Water Quality (MSUEWQ) with funding assistance from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) have the following monitoring gear available for citizen stream teams. This gear is available for short term loan (one to two weeks) for focused monitoring efforts and/or trainings. Priority for use of the gear will be based on the order that requests are received from eligible groups. To be eligible, groups must be involved in a citizen based monitoring effort and must have a designated program coordinator who can take responsibility for the gear. For some gear, a sampling and analysis plan (SAP) may be required and/or the coordinator must have experience in conducting the methods using the gear.

If you are interested in checking out gear, please send an email to ExtensionWater@montana.edu with a message outlining which gear you want to check out, over what time period, for what monitoring effort. 



Available Gear


Pool Tail Fines Grids

Aquavue Underwater Viewer

Solar Pathfinder 


Tape Measures 30 M/ 100'

Hach Turbidimeter 

Digital Camera

EC Pocket Meters

pH Pocket Meters

YSI 556 MultiMeter

DO Meter